Primary Colors |
Pantone 2748 U Hex: #474f8b RGB: 71 79, 139 |
Pantone 141 U Hex: #fcc06d RGB: 252, 192, 109 |
Pantone Warm Gray 11 Hex: #7d7773 RGB: 125, 119, 115 |
Secondary Colors |
Pantone 2718 U Hex: #6787d8 RGB: 103, 135, 216 |
Pantone 283 U Hex: #99c6ee RGB: 153, 198, 238 |
White Hex: #ffffff RGB: 0, 0, 0 |
For headings, the preferred font is Roboto Slab
For body text, the preferred font is Kanit
The full name of the entity is University Catholic Center at UT Dallas. When other references to UT Dallas have been established, and in casual reference, the entity is University Catholic Center. Subsequent references may use the UCC or the Center.